'Volumia Rose bicolor' will excel in container gardens, planters, pots, hanging baskets, or window boxes. Its flowers are white, pink or red, and it. Its leaves can be bronze, green or variegated. Begonia semperflorens 'Volumia Rose bicolor' is an excellent bedding plant that can be used to create masses of colour in edgings, entrance ways, mass plantings and borders. Semperflorens: small bushy plant commonly known as bedding begonia. They are the most commonly used Begonia in the plant industry today. The many wax Begonia varieties provide non-stop flowers in a palette of colours that combine dramatically with beautiful leaf shades and textures. Many of the strains are variable in size and compactness of the plant, foliage colour, size, colour and degree of doubling of the flowers. There are many cultivars and strains known. It consists of a group of cultivars of hybrid origins, most likely derived originally from Begonia cucullata var Hookeri and Begonia schmidtiana. It consists of a group of cultivars of hybrid. Begonia semperflorens translates as "always flowering-cultivated" and goes by the common name of wax begonia. Start Begonia seeds early to have flowers that bloom all summer In tropical or subtropical climates, the Wax Begonia is a perennial plant that can grow to the. Begonia semperflorens translates as always flowering-cultivated and goes by the common name of wax begonia. In this article, you’ll also find the hardiest begonias like Begonia grandis which is a perennial species that can survive harsh winters in Brooklyn and areas in USDA Zones 6 through 9.
It is named after Michael Begon of 17th century French Canada. Wax Begonia Cocktail Series - bronze foliage, sun resistant Olympia Series - mound former, mid green leaves, 8-18 Dragon Wing - angel wing type, 10-12. Or, maybe the most popular begonia - the wax begonia (Begonia semperflorens). In detailīegonia belongs to the Begoniaceae family and is native to Brazil. This makes it a winner in the retail market. Remarkably large and persistent rose bicolour blooms adorn this well branched plant. Another significant aspect of this garden jewel, which is of interest to the grower market, is its neat and compact habit. This award winning quality along with its prolonged flowering time will provide visible consumer value. They frequently come not only in shades of green but also beautiful red and bronze coloured leaves are not uncommon. Even the leaves differ in colour, depending on the variety.

Most begonia species are tender in South Carolina, but the beautiful and perennial hardy begonia will grow throughout the state. With countless varieties and their white, pink or red flowers, they have conquered the hearts of gardeners and the gardens of Europe with ease. According to the Fleuroselect judges, the most striking attribute of Begonia semperflorens 'Volumia Rose bicolor' is its excellent garden performance throughout the season. The most common begonias for growing in southern landscapes are the fibrous-rooted semperflorens begonias (or wax begonias) and tuberous begonias. Often treated as an annual plant in our region, wax begonia provides colorful clusters of flowers and glossy foliage for shaded landscapes or bright.